Flutter App Update

(Road Maintenance Complaint System) by AKAR

Aashutosh Sapkota

Discover Our Road Complaint Management System on GitHub

Explore our Road Complaint Management System, a Flutter-based application designed to streamline road maintenance reporting. Key features include user registration, complaint submission with photo uploads and location tracking, admin complaint management, and user verification for enhanced security. Our GitHub repository offers detailed setup instructions, making it easy for developers to contribute and improve the system.Join us in creating a more efficient way to manage road maintenance issues.

Visit our project to see our progress and get involved!
Huge Shoutout to our team members: Abhishek, Kisan, Aashutosh, Rajeev (AKAR)

Week 1 Update: "Mobile Road Maintenance Complaint System" 🛣️

As newcomers to the world of Flutter, we're eager to learn and grow with each step of this journey. If you have any advice, insights, or resources to share, we'd love to hear from you!

Here's a quick recap of what we've accomplished during our first week:

1️⃣ GitHub setup & collaboration for seamless teamwork.
2️⃣ Detailed project planning for organized progress.
3️⃣ Research on Flutter resources and Material Design.
4️⃣ UI design phase kickoff with Canva & Figma.
5️⃣ Initial creation of sleek app interfaces.

Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota

🚀 Week 2 & 3 Update:

1️⃣ Established Firebase connection.
2️⃣ Implemented functions for login, register, and forgot password pages connected to Firebase.
3️⃣ Created Splash Screen, Recover Account page, and User Pages (ongoing).
4️⃣ Developing Admin Login screen and Admin Homepage (ongoing).
5️⃣ Began the Home screen and implemented navigation for User and Admin.

Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota

🚀 Week 4 Update: The Core Work Of The Project Started

1️⃣ Created key Admin pages: Dashboard, Users list (Firebase connected), Manage Complaint, side drawer, and button navigation.
2️⃣ Developed crucial User pages:
Register Complaint (core page): Fully functional with address input via OSM map, photo uploads (up to 3), and user verification. My Profile: Allows entering and editing details. Track Complaint and Complaint History (connection not established yet).
3️⃣ Enabled partial offline functionality: Users can access the app without an internet connection, with ongoing plans to enhance offline capabilities.
4️⃣ Continued collaboration and proper planning on GitHub.

Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota

🚀 Week 5 Update:

1️⃣ Core work on the Admin part is progressing well.
2️⃣ Manage Complaint page is now fully functional. Admin can filter tasks as Pending or Resolved and view complaint status from outside the page.
3️⃣ Enhanced the Complaint Details page with functions to observe complaint images. The track Location feature with an embedded OSM map is still in progress.
4️⃣ Admin can now set complaint status to “Complaint Raised,” “Task Assigned,” “Staff on Site,” or “Complaint Resolved,” and add notes to each complaint.
5️⃣ Continued planning and collaboration on GitHub.

Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota

🚀 Week 6 Progress Update:

1️⃣ User Verification: Now, users need to provide personal details and a government ID for registering complaints. This ensures authenticity and accountability in our system.
2️⃣ Admin Verification: Users can register complaints only after admin verification, adding an extra layer of security and validation.
3️⃣ Settings Page Upgrade: The settings page has been enhanced with options to edit personal information, change passwords, manage notifications, and more.
4️⃣ Invite Friends & Feedback: Users can now invite friends to join the platform. Future enhancements will include rewards for referrals. Additionally, users can provide feedback about their experience with AKAR.
5️⃣ Mid-Defense & Report Submission: We successfully submitted our report and completed our mid-defense. We restructured key project diagrams like the System Flow, ER Diagram, DFDs, and Use Case diagrams for better clarity and precision.

Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota Aashutosh Sapkota


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